
PLA Co-Chair Elections, Autumn 2019

With the new PLA we are developing a more open structure. Nicola Whitton will be standing down in November, opening one of the co-Chair positions. We thank Nicola for her tireless work in helping to form, organise, develop and guide the PLA (and the GLSIG and PLSIG before that) to its current state with the largest active membership we have ever had.

Nominations for the co-Chair position have been made, and two electees have been nominated. Their details, and playful activity submission, are below.

Katie Piatt activity
Katie Piatt’s playful activity

Nominee: Dr Katie Piatt
e-Learning Manager, University of Brighton

Playful Activity Submission: “I made a little lego present and hid it in a classroom for an unsuspected student to find and enjoy. I couldn’t find any otters.”

Dark Bot's playful activity
Dark Bot’s playful activity

Nominee: Dark Bot
Evil anti-play, Everywhere

Playful Activity Submission: “Watching paint dry.”

Voting is now open; all members of the Playful Learning Association have one vote. Voting will close on Thursday November 21st at 5pm. The results of the vote will be announced, and the co_Chair appointed, on Friday November 22nd during the PLA meeting in Manchester.

[IT_EPOLL id=”330″]poll[/IT_EPOLL]